powershell - How can I reinstall Windows 10's calculator app? - Super User.

powershell - How can I reinstall Windows 10's calculator app? - Super User.

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How To Fix Windows 10 Calculator Missing Or Uninstalled 



windows · GitHub Topics · GitHub.[SOLVED] Windows calculator - Windows 10


Upon launching the application, you will see a window such as the one shown below. Apart from the basic calculations which can be performed from the keypad, the top bar consists of various features. You can check the old calculations performed by clicking the clock-like icon on the top-right, or click on the middle button to keep the calculator always on top of other applications.

The Standard indicates that the calculator is currently in Standard mode, which can be changed by clicking on the three bars left of it. Upon clicking the three bars, you are presented with a list of options to choose from.

The calculator can be converted into the Scientific mode for more complex calculations, or into Graphical mode to plot graphs from equations. The Programmer mode can be used to convert values between decimals, hexadecimal, octanes, or binary. Going further down the menu, the calculator also offers a range of different converts for instant results. These features indicate that this application can be extremely useful even when performing daily regular tasks.

If you are experiencing problems with your Calculator app, you can choose any or all of the following solutions to bring it back to life. The first approach should be to check for any pending updates, both in Windows Updates as well as the Microsoft Store. Any pending updates can cause an application to malfunction. Once all the applications have been updated, including Windows Calculator, relaunch the application and check if the error is resolved.

Once you develop the scripts, if something changes in a subsequent build, you edit an existing script rather than repeat the process from scratch. Here are some links to information on this topic:. Removing Windows 10 in-box apps during a task sequence. Windows 10 Keeping apps from coming back when deploying the feature update. Each UWP app should be evaluated for applicability in each unique environment.

You'll want to install a default installation of Windows 10 , then note which apps are running and consuming memory. For example, you might want to consider removing apps that start automatically, or apps that automatically display information on the Start Menu, such as Weather and News that might not be of use in your environment.

If utilizing the scripts from GitHub, you can easily control which apps are removed before running the script. After downloading the script files, locate the file 'AppxPackages. See the section Customization for details. For more information, see the Windows Server powershell forum.

To enumerate currently installed Windows Features, run the following PowerShell command:. Next, you might want to remove the Windows Media Player package. There are two Windows Media Player packages in Windows 10 You can use the built-in Dism. A Dism. The Windows technology involved is called Features on Demand. Any settings made to this file will be applied to any subsequent user profiles created from a device running this image.

You can control which settings to apply to the default user profile, by editing the file 'DefaultUserSettings. One setting that you might want to consider carefully, new to this iteration of settings recommendations, is a setting called TaskbarSmallIcons. You might want to check with your user base before implementing this setting. TaskbarSmallIcons makes the Windows Task Bar smaller and consumes less screen space, makes the icons more compact, minimizes the Search interface, and is depicted before and after in the following illustrations:.

Also, to reduce the transmitting of images over the VDI infrastructure, you can set the default background to a solid color instead of the default Windows 10 image. You can also set the logon screen to be a solid color, as well as turn off the opaque blurring effect on logon.

The following settings are applied to the default user profile registry hive, mainly in order to reduce animations. If some or all of these settings are not desired, delete the settings not to be applied to the new user profiles based on this image. The goal with these settings is to enable the following equivalent settings:. For Windows 10, version , the following are the optimization settings applied to the default user profile registry hive to optimize performance:. In the local policy settings, you might want to disable images for backgrounds in VDI.

If you do want images, you might want to create custom background images at a reduced color depth to limit network bandwidth used for transmitting image information.

If you decide to specify no background image in local policy, you might want to set the background color before setting local policy, because once the policy is set, the user has no way to change the background color.

It might be better to specify " null " as the background image. There is another policy setting in the next section on not using background over Remote Desktop Protocol sessions.

If the equivalent settings are not specified in any other way, such as group policy, the settings would still apply.

The following settings were chosen to not counter or conflict with any setting that has anything to do with security. These settings were chosen to remove settings or disable functionality that might not be applicable to VDI environments. We recommend using a low resolution, non-complex image so less data is transmitted over the network each time the image is rendered.

If you enable this policy setting, automatic learning stops, and any stored data is deleted. Users can't configure this setting in Control Panel. Windows doesn't connect to an online font provider and only enumerates locally-installed fonts. Disable passive polling check box Enabled. Use this setting if you're on an isolated network or using a static IP address.

Offline files Allow or disallow use of Offline Files. In the disabled state, no Teredo interfaces are present on the host. The Connect to suggested open hotspots , Connect to networks shared by my contacts , and Enable paid services are turned off, but users on this device can enable them.

If you enable this setting, apps and system features won't be able to receive notifications from the network from WNS or by using notification-polling APIs. Enabled Device installation Prevent device metadata retrieval from the Internet Enabled Device installation Prevent Windows from sending an error report when a device driver requests additional software during installation Enabled Device installation Turn off Found New Hardware balloons during device installation.

Turns off web-to-app linking and http s URIs are opened in the default browser instead of starting the associated app. The Windows device is not discoverable by other devices, and can't participage in cross-device experiences. If you enable this policy setting, all Windows Update features are removed. Windows automatic updating is also disabled; you'll neither be notified about nor will you receive critical updates from Windows Update.

This policy setting also prevents Device Manager from automatically installing driver updates from the Windows Update website. If you enable this policy setting, when you are presented with a certificate issued by an untrusted root authority, your computer won't contact the Windows Update website to see if Microsoft has added the CA to its list of trusted authorities.

NOTE: Only use this policy if you have an alternate means to the latest certificate revocation list. This policy setting turns off the active tests performed by the Windows Network Connectivity Status Indicator NCSI to determine whether your computer is connected to the Internet or to a more limited network As part of determining the connectivity level, NCSI performs one of two active tests: downloading a page from a dedicated Web server or making a DNS request for a dedicated address.

If you enable this policy setting, NCSI does not run either of the two active tests. With this setting enabled, the background image shows without blur. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the local computer clock doesn't synchronize time with NTP servers. NOTE: Consider this setting very carefully. Windows devices that are joined to a domain should use NT5DS.

Virtual machines sometimes use "enhancements" or "integration services". If you enable this policy setting, the advertising ID is turned off. Apps can't use the ID for experiences across apps. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access account information and employees in your organization cannot change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access the call history and employees in your organization cannot change it.

If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access contacts and employees in your organization cannot change it. If you choose the Force Allow option, Windows apps are allowed to access email and employees in your organization cannot change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access location and employees in your organization cannot change it.

If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access messaging and employees in your organization cannot change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access motion data and employees in your organization cannot change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access notifications and employees in your organization cannot change it.

If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access tasks and employees in your organization cannot change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access the calendar and employees in your organization can't change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access the camera and employees in your organization can't change it.

If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access the microphone and employees in your organization can't change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to access trusted devices and employees in your organization can't change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to communicate with unpaired wireless devices and employees in your organization can't change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps won't have access to control radios and employees in your organization can't change it.

If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to make phone calls and employees in your organization can't change it. If you choose the Force Deny option, Windows apps are not allowed to run in the background and employees in your organization can't change it. If you enable this policy setting, Autoplay is disabled on CD-ROM and removable media drives, or disabled on all drives. This policy setting prevents Windows tips from being shown to users.

If you enable this policy setting, users will no longer see personalized recommendations from Microsoft and notifications about their Microsoft account.

SmartScreen will be turned off for all users. Users will not be warned if they try to run suspicious apps from the Internet. When Find My Device is off, the device and its location are not registered and the Find My Device feature will not work.

The user will also not be able to view the location of the last use of their active digitizer on their device. File Explorer Turn off caching of thumbnail pictures Enabled File Explorer Turn off display of recent search entries in the File Explorer search box Enabled File Explorer Turn off the caching of thumbnails in hidden thumbs. Users won't receive enhanced suggestions while typing in the Address bar. In addition, users won't be able to change the Suggestions setting. If you enable this policy setting, user won't be suggested matches when entering Web addresses.

The user can't change the auto-complete for setting web addresses. If you enable this policy setting, browser geolocation support is turned off. If you disable this policy setting, the entry points and functionality associated with this feature are turned off. If you enable this policy setting, the user cannot use the Compatibility View button or manage the Compatibility View sites list. Microsoft collects your browsing history to improve how flip ahead with page prediction works.

This feature isn't available for Internet Explorer for the desktop. If you enable this policy setting, flip ahead with page prediction is turned off and the next webpage isn't loaded into the background. If you enable this policy setting, the location feature is turned off, and all programs on this computer are prevented from using location information from the location feature.

In addition, PowerShell allows formatting definitions to be specified, so the text representation of objects can be customized by choosing which data elements to display, and in what manner. However, in order to maintain backward compatibility , if an external executable is used in a pipeline, it receives a text stream representing the object, instead of directly integrating with the PowerShell type system.

Windows PowerShell includes a dynamically typed scripting language which can implement complex operations using cmdlets imperatively. Variables can be assigned any value, including the output of cmdlets. Strings can be enclosed either in single quotes or in double quotes: when using double quotes, variables will be expanded even if they are inside the quotation marks. If it is used as an L-value , anything assigned to it will be written to the file.

When used as an R-value , the contents of the file will be read. If an object is assigned, it is serialized before being stored. Object members can be accessed using. The PowerShell scripting language also evaluates arithmetic expressions entered on the command line immediately, and it parses common abbreviations, such as GB, MB, and KB. Using the function keyword, PowerShell provides for the creation of functions. A simple function has the following general look: [53].

However, PowerShell allows for advanced functions that support named parameters, positional parameters, switch parameters and dynamic parameters. The defined function is invoked in either of the following forms: [53]. PowerShell allows any static. NET methods to be called by providing their namespaces enclosed in brackets [] , and then using a pair of colons :: to indicate the static method. There are dozens of ways to create objects in PowerShell. Once created, one can access the properties and instance methods of an object using the.

PowerShell accepts strings , both raw and escaped. A string enclosed between single quotation marks is a raw string while a string enclosed between double quotation marks is an escaped string. PowerShell treats straight and curly quotes as equivalent. The following list of special characters is supported by PowerShell: [56]. For error handling, PowerShell provides a. NET-based exception-handling mechanism. In case of errors, objects containing information about the error Exception object are thrown, which are caught using the try PowerShell can be configured to silently resume execution, without actually throwing the exception; this can be done either on a single command, a single session or perpetually.

Scripts written using PowerShell can be made to persist across sessions in either a. Later, either the entire script or individual functions in the script can be used. Scripts and functions operate analogously with cmdlets, in that they can be used as commands in pipelines, and parameters can be bound to them. Pipeline objects can be passed between functions, scripts, and cmdlets seamlessly.

To prevent unintentional running of scripts, script execution is disabled by default and must be enabled explicitly.

PowerShell scripts can be signed to verify their integrity, and are subject to Code Access Security. The PowerShell scripting language supports binary prefix notation similar to the scientific notation supported by many programming languages in the C-family.

One can also use PowerShell embedded in a management application, which uses the PowerShell runtime to implement the management functionality. Via the APIs, the application can instantiate a runspace one instantiation of the PowerShell runtime , which runs in the application's process and is exposed as a Runspace object.

When the runspace is created, the Windows PowerShell runtime initializes the instantiation, including initializing the providers and enumerating the cmdlets, and updates the SessionState object accordingly. The Runspace then must be opened for either synchronous processing or asynchronous processing.

After that it can be used to execute commands. To execute a command, a pipeline represented by a Pipeline object must be created and associated with the runspace.

The pipeline object is then populated with the cmdlets that make up the pipeline. For sequential operations as in a PowerShell script , a Pipeline object is created for each statement and nested inside another Pipeline object. The types are verified and parameters bound using reflection. If the pipeline has the Write-Host cmdlet at the end of the pipeline, it writes the result onto the console screen.

If not, the results are handed over to the host, which might either apply further processing or display the output itself. The host creates the pipeline and executes them. In fact, the interactive PowerShell console itself is a PowerShell host, which interprets the scripts entered at command line and creates the necessary Pipeline objects and invokes them. DSC allows for declaratively specifying how a software environment should be configured.

Upon running a configuration , DSC will ensure that the system gets the state described in the configuration. DSC configurations are idempotent. The Local Configuration Manager LCM periodically polls the system using the control flow described by resources imperative pieces of DSC to make sure that the state of a configuration is maintained.

All major releases are still supported, and each major release has featured backwards compatibility with preceding versions. PowerShell 1. PowerShell 2. PowerShell v2 includes changes to the scripting language and hosting API, in addition to including more than new cmdlets.

New features of PowerShell 2. PowerShell 3. Microsoft has also made PowerShell 3. New features in PowerShell 3. PowerShell 4. Microsoft has also made PowerShell 4. PowerShell 5. The "Desktop" edition is the continuation of the traditional Windows PowerShell that runs on the.

NET Framework stack. The "Core" edition runs on. In exchange for smaller footprint, the latter lacks some features such as the cmdlets to manage clipboard or join a computer to a domain, WMI version 1 cmdlets, Event Log cmdlets and profiles.

PowerShell Core 6. Microsoft expects to release one minor version for PowerShell Core 6. The most significant change in this version of PowerShell is the expansion to the other platforms. For Windows administrators, this version of PowerShell did not include any major new features. In an interview with the community on 11 January , the PowerShell team was asked to list the top 10 most exciting things that would happen for a Windows IT professional who would migrate from Windows PowerShell 5.

According to Microsoft, one of the new features of PowerShell 6. PowerShell 7 is the replacement for PowerShell Core 6. New features in PowerShell 7 include: []. PowerShell 7. It uses. Showing only apps and games tab only. No music, theme and books section available as I'm in build I believe this could help. Let me try ya. I'm thinking to remove Xbox app. Is it fine? I'm not playing any games or own any Xbox console.

Nothing's stopping you, Windows 10 is all about free of choice. Is removing the Store app really a good idea? This will prevent built-in apps from updating - security and bug fixes. Good question, I'll check it on a VM Nope, don't do that lol. I like the information, but Why screw with them at all? Personally with W10 almost everything is either web od app based. Yes, I have a cxouple of older programs installed.

Long live Zune. Funny that once you name something it sticks forever no matter how it evolves I don't have internet connection in my pc so that many of the apps i uninstalled. You have removed too much stuff.

How did I know who the author would be when I saw an article about removing Windows functionality. Neither are probably recommended by the OS manufacturer as they likely cause unintended problems. The irony is your opening paragraph says they don't take up much drive space Can I get rid of crap from my library that I didn't choose to ever download like Twitter?

That would be great, though I know it isn't possible. It doesn't stop reinstalling when you do a clean install though, even business people with the Enterprise Edition are being spammed with that nonsense.


- Steps to Fix Windows 10 Calculator is Missing Error


We don't have access to the windows store so I can't get it from here, but why the hell does it wimdows in the first place, especially in a fresh image of Windows? Roaming and folder redirection. Got it back by removing the profile from the machine and logging in again standard domain user account. Which I knew solves it from time to time, but there must be a sure fire way of re-installing it I mean it's an app after all! Beware that this could be a windows issue. I had a corruption of Windows Store apps and ended up running a complete wipe and reinstall of windows.

The PowerShell commands windows 10 calculator missing powershell free helpful but after a few hours, it was simpler to windows 10 calculator missing powershell free a reinstall.

Would rather re-install the default calculator to be honest It appears this is a profile issue especially with mine as I used roamingas I logged in with a different account windows 10 calculator missing powershell free the calculator was there.

That powershell command did not work, but there must be a way to re-instate it without erasing my profile? What profile нажмите чтобы прочитать больше are you using? What account do you have are you using an admin account or just general account? Could create a dummy account and test on the pc your having issues with to see if it allows the calculator that will determine if its an issue woth powersjell or your account. Hi There, I had an issue a while ago similar to this.

I tried reinstalling the calculator using the Get-AppxPackage commands and nothing would work. I even copied the calc. No go. What did work was applying the most recent Windows 10 Seasonal update. I believe back then the machine was at version I applied the most recent update the calculator came back. If you run the command winver from a Run wkndows command prompt it will tell you the Windows version.

You should be able to run windows update to get the latest version. Right now the calcularor is Version I ended up resetting the system. The install was a few years old so it was time. This topic has been locked by windows 10 calculator missing powershell free administrator and is no longer open for commenting. To continue this windows 10 calculator missing powershell free, please ask a new question. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief.

And while there is some debate on what is a What are some good computer repair type questions to ask a user just starting in the field out of HS. Hi Guys - hope you're all keeping safe and well! We've been using the same old type of phone system now for decades our most recent phone systems are 10 years old. With the coming ret Today in History: Robert E. Lee's home area Arlington, Virginia becomes a military cemeteryArlington Estate was established by George Washington's adopted grandson, George Washington 7 format usb free Custis, to be a living memorial to the first president.

I manage several M tenants all with Security Defaults enabled and in one windowws tenant, for some reason, no users including Global Admins are able to create a Team directly in the Teams app using the "Join or create a team" option.

This option IS Online Events. Log in Join. Windows Spice 5 Reply Contest Details View all contests. OP danielthomas Will try tomorrow at work flag Report.

DDP This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Supaplex This person is a verified professional. Could create a dummy account and test on the pc your having issues with to see if it allows the calculator that missinh determine if its an issue woth pc or your account flag Report.

All the best to you flag Report. It is a windows 10 calculator missing powershell free error somewhere flag Report. Tried wsreset. Read these next



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